Thursday, January 5, 2012


For me each year gets better than the last so has been the story of my life post 2008. 2009 i was in LA, long had i wanted to had my passport stamped and how !!! 2010 i did manage to direct my first feature length film and boy 2011 released it. 2012 is here and i am excited. I am happy, I like that women in The Network (Director Sidney Lumet), when my professional life is good i am feeling great. So 2011 was great ofcourse it had its low points but you don't remember the mundane stuff. 2011 was the year i was mentioned in national newpapers. As a boy preparing for IIT that was one of the dreams. 2012 is the time i want to roll in money and no i m not selling out. I wont compromise on my work. I just have to Direct 6 TVCs thats all or earn 30 lakhs (minus taxes) whatever happens. Along the way i have to Direct my 6 short films finish a screenplay and HOPEFULLY a novel that is inside me. Plus this will be the year when i will start my 2nd movie No Love Lost. This is a minimum wishlist for 2012.

So start a movie
30 lakhs and or 6 TVCs
Finish all pending work vis a vis short films.