Monday, October 3, 2011

What makes a strong fictional character

Dear Writer Self
No character is good/bad, it is their need that makes them good or bad. That need depends or self image, social conditioning, insecurities and intellect, in that order.
When a character is not comfortable about who he/she is or not comfortable about the past, or public opinion, it is largely a matter of self image. Everyone has done stuff they are not very proud of, it is how you deal with it that makes you who you are. I am as conventional thinking as  it gets but i m also as considerate as u will find. Depends really on what is your opinion about yourself. Only when you admit the duality of man (jungian theory) and are comfortable by it are u emotionally secure. 
As a rule of thumb in character study never believe a character that says “ I m like so and so ...” always believe what you see. This fact is used in so many books/movies and novels. People try to mar your judgement by intellectualizing their choices.
Also as a rule the character that lies is needy, that is all their is to it. It doesn’t make a person good or bad. A habitual lier is but awfully needy and as a companion you should run away.  Also if you are emotionally aware you get a feeling when someone lies, trust it, everyone lies. Only yesterday i heard two, one by a female friend and another by my mom. How am i so sure well i am in a profession that lies, all films are lies really , do i call bluff all the time not really but yeah when i do call a bluff I know what i am talking about. 
Most kids/ dumb ass blondes (both sexes) mix self image with i don’t give a fuck attitude. Everyone gives a fuck anyone who says otherwise is lying, everyone wants to be liked by everyone they can get, so quit faking it. High self image is being able to admit mistakes and walk past it while low self image is not admitting it or if obvious, covering it up , either by playing dumb or by telling the other person they dont give shit and/or by saying who cares !! I know because i was that guy once !   

On a side note the line "happy girls are prettiest" is true but then happiness can't be faked, not to yourself. Most people project that image. Being happy is a function of your self image. To inculcate good self image takes lot of work, effort and discipline